February 19, 2016


Hello all!

It's been a long time since I last updated my blog, I sincerely apologise. There is so much to do and I have so much to share but I didn't have the time. I always forget to take pictures and write down the steps. My daughter, Yi-Lin, has promised to help me update this blog with more recipes and to keep it alive.  She is passionate about using Thermomix to cook all sorts of yummy dishes and will join me in doing this business.

Yi-Lin and I have come up with and tested many dishes, and together we will document it here for all to share. We will try to make it easy for all to follow the recipes; using videos, pictures and simple words.

Cooking with Thermomix is really easy and fun, so stay tune for more recipes coming up!


Mei and Yilin


  1. Thanks Mei for returning. I just introduced someone to Thermomix. Am making the lemongrass drink this very moment as it is so hot in SG!

    1. Hi Jo, thank you for introducing your friend to Thermomix! Would you like to share his/her contact with me at +65 91592034 and I could share more with them? :) Enjoy your lemongrass drink, the weather these days are unbearably hot!
